Top 20 NuGet immutable Packages

A very lightweight utility library for increased expressiveness.
An immutable, covariant list with eager load semantics.
This library provides F# integration for the Imms immutable collections library.
A short and sweet REST client
A helpful library for including signals into your domain model.
Contains implementation of immutable arrays with special immutable implementation for array operations for saving memory.
Immutable persistent collections, algebraic sum-type aka descriminated union, Ref type and supportive extensions for performant functional programming in C#. Split from the DryIoc:
T4 templates that transform simple mutable type definitions into fully functional immutable types with persistent characteristics.
The runtime components behind the parts generated by the ImmutableObjectGraph.T4 package.
Package Description
Immutable n-ary relation data structure for .NET Standard 2.0
Defines `[Record]` attribute and `Features` flags enum. See project site for more details.
.NET Standard library for building immutable models
An implementation of IImmutableDictionary<TKey, TValue> that maintains O(1) value lookup, at the cost of mutation performance.
my useful LiteDB extension methods.
Roslyn powered analyzers for C# to support defining immutable types
Alternative or extended collection types for .NET
Semantics used by Apex.Analyzers.Immutable