Top 20 NuGet injection Packages

Dependency Injection framework
Contracts and common types for integrating dependency injection implementations
Simple Injector Implementation of the Axis.Proteus Ioc Registration and Resolution contract interfaces.
Automata Mini Dependency Injection
A simple natively implemented service locator for simplifying dependency injection. See the GitHub page for usage examples.
A teeny, tiny, dependency injection and IOC framework
A lightweight cross platform dependency injection library.
Slush Inject - simplified Ioc wrapper using Castle windsor and Castle Core
.NET Core 3.1 Dependency Injection framework
.NET Core 3.1 Dependency Injection framework
Dependency Injection System using attributes.
Librairie d'injection de dépendance C#
Plugin for Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection enabling registration of multiple service implemantations under the same interface.
Yet another load library injector. YALLI is a simple dll injector which uses LoadLibrary in combination with CreateRemoteThread. Nothing fancy.