Top 20 NuGet injection Packages

Simple Dependency Resolver for DuoCode projects
A set of proxy classes that wrap the functionality in certain System namespace classes that interface directly with the host. These proxy classes can be easily mocked in a unit test in order to test your logic under different host environment conditions and states.
Package Description
Feather# - An AOP utility for .NET, based on Mono.Cecil.
Another .NET dependency injection framework
Command line utilities for managing nuspec files
A Dependency Injection shim for ASP.NET WebForms "classic" implemeted as a HTTP Module
FluentMigrator package for ASP.NET Boilerplate
Hyperbolic Solutions simple IoC framework
This MVC sample illustrates how to use Unity interception to capture calls to objects and add additional functionality to the target object.
This MVC sample illustrates how to use Unity interception to capture calls to objects and add additional functionality to the target object.
Powerful dependency injector for TypeScript
A simple custom-made configurable Dependency Injection container used for small projects.
Lightweight IoC container
Injection List and object
A very simple IoC container, easily embeddable also as a source code. You can make it even more simpler by defining the BODI_DISABLECONFIGFILESUPPORT compilation symbol in your project.
.NET library to inject native DLLs into other processes
A simple and light-weight inversion of control container, which makes it possible to define dependencies declaratively in code, rather than in configuration files.
Represents an abstraction layer for multiple IoC containers. Using the abstractions, applications can use an inversion of control container for dependency injection, without directly seeing the underlying API. This makes it very easy to switch between different IoC implementations.