Top 20 NuGet http Packages

You can do a lot of http requests through different proxies.
The redirection module.
Light-weight http client for making CRUD and REST calls via http in .NET
64-bit C# bindings for libcurl
32-bit C# bindings for libcurl
A package to aid in implementing dependency injection in a simplified and performant way
Device SDK for Azure IoT Devices
Allows programatic access to create SMT Gateways, Nodes, Sessions and remotely access PowerShell on a SMT Node.
A library for recording and replaying HTTP interactions. Inspired by the VCR ruby gem.
.Net library for strongly typed access to REST Api's
A powerfull library for Universal Windows Platform (UWP)
HTTP API mocking library
Web API common library
Nock-CSharp is an HTTP mocking library that was inspired by node-nock. It is used to mimic the flow you normally expect using the standard HttpClient object available in .net, without having to stray away from the standard objects already built in.
AB Rest Client provides an easy way to create a strongly typed client for an HTTP web service. It uses standard .NET transparent proxy mechanism to convert regular .NET interface to callable object and maps it to HTTP web service.
HTTP API library
HTTP API library