Top 20 NuGet helpers Packages

Booger stuffs to use in your WPF application. Dried, definitely repetitive, never ending and unavoidable.
C# utility components - DGML, Graphs, Argument Parser (Console), Logging, T4 Templates Base, Process helper
Provides custom types, helpers and extension methods for Visual Studio extensibility.
Quick helper for dynamically build breadcrumbs in ASP.NET MVC
Framework in C # for the abstract creation of repositories.
Default colors and dimens per Material Design guidelines and Android Design guidelines inside one library
A simple library containing all the handy helpers methods that you tend to rewrite.
Contains a variety of useful extension methods designed to help write more functional, readable code.
Provides a set of MVC helper and extension methods (that depend on the T4MVC templating engine) for the popular Bootstrap, Gumby and jQuery UI CSS frameworks. Includes other MVC helpers which can be used in core MVC development as well.
My sweet collection of extensions for day to day developement
Xamariners.Core is a library of common classes and helpers.
Spread of classes, used in different projects as a shared component. Service locator - service locator implementation with type mapping capabilities. Object Mapper -service locator implementation with type mapping capabilities.
A curated collection of utility classes for greatly assisting an ASP.NET Core MVC application development.
A set of helper classes to augment C# functionality such as scheduling, precision formatting, collection conversions, and exception messaging.
A set of extensions to help avoid repeating code segments