Top 20 NuGet http Packages

Provides useful extension methods, alternate Task based API and activities.
Reverse proxy in C#
A library for downloading and uploading files to an Azure Storage Blob
A dotNet client library for Marketo REST API.
This is a library for providing streams for different transports.
Simple REST Api Connector for sending and receiving REST requests. Designed for .NET Framework applications
Simple REST Api Connector for sending and receiving REST requests. Designed for .NET Core applications
For sending HTTP messages. A simplified usage of System.Net.Http HttpClient.
Airbrake HTTP module for ASP.NET request pipeline
HTTP Basic Authentication with ASP.NET MVC
The project is divided into an API for managing HTTP Namespaces, including an object model for ACLs and Security Descriptors, and a UI with automatic elevation in Windows Vista for operations that require administrative privledge.
UWP networking
Package for CRUD operations using a HTTP Client. Works best when used with a Controller using Entity Framework actions
mobile core operations
mobile core functions
Inspect your HttpClient's queries and responses
Simple and easy HTTP Multipart multipart/form-data parser compatible with .NET 4.0
My package description.