Top 20 NuGet generator Packages

Generate unique person. Random name, age, birthday, email, etc.
BekraPhoneGenerator - Ebubekir Bastama
Provides the attributed hooks for invoking logger type generation.
Components for real-time sound device mic-in, audio out, FFT spectrum, arbitrary multi-channel signal generator, WAV file stream reader. Part of LightningChart SDK.
Components for real-time sound device mic-in, audio out, FFT spectrum, arbitrary multi-channel signal generator, WAV file stream reader. Part of LightningChart SDK.
Code generator for [FlagsEnumeration]-decorated types. Automatically generates bitwise operator overloads corresponding with your derived Enumeration assets. This package references all required and recommended analyzer packages. See project site for installation instructions and more details.
Provides a fluent-like interface for random and semi-random person construction.
Entity Framework extensions for the Architect.Identities package. Release notes: 2.1.0: - The ConfigureDecimalIdTypes() extension method now truncates needless trailing zeros received from the database provider (`123.0` => `123`), as is the ...
A .Net Core REST API builder that auto generates EF entities automapped to CRUD models and exposes them in a react-admin - compatible REST dialect.
A .Net Core REST API builder that auto generates EF entities automapped to CRUD models and exposes them in a react-admin - compatible REST dialect.
.NET library for the Formly Schema generation. Formly Schema is used by the ngx-formly ( project which is a dynamic (JSON powered) form library for Angular. Documentation:
Silk.NET is a high-speed, advanced library, providing bindings to popular low-level APIs such as OpenGL, OpenCL, OpenAL, OpenXR, GLFW, SDL, Vulkan, Assimp, and DirectX.
Generates SqlKata abstractions for the AST produced by "Allvis.Kaylee.Analyzer", using the new Roslyn Source Generator capabilities which ship with .NET 5.
Azure IoT Hub Client made easy with auto C# code generator
Utility for filling objects with data. Supports: Primitive Types, Arrays, IEnumerable<>, IList<>, ICollection<>, ISet<>, IDictionary<>, List<>, HashedSet<>, Dictionary<> and hopefully most of user custom classes
Additional datasources for AutoPoco, including enum, city, street, postal, company, datetime, timespan
Happy has JavaScript-like syntax and and includes a special template syntax which can be used to enable your best tendencies for being "effienctly lazy." With Happy, it's easy to write a generator for any kind of text based output including HTML, XML, CSS, Javascript, C#, VB.Net, SQL, YAML, Java, M...
Diesel is a DSL toolkit for .NET code generation for DDD
Library generate data, based on clear specification
T4 code generation templates for N-Tier Entity Framework with EF6. Install this package for MyProject.Server.Domain.Edmx projekt if you target EF6.