Top 20 NuGet generator Packages

Create dummy text or names reminding real ones. This library works by analyzing real texts , and can be used to geneate texts in various languages (or, rather, code pages - it does not generate real words).
MessagingToolkit Barcode library is a C# barcode library that can be used in * WinForms applications * Windows WPF applications * ASP.NET web applications * Silverlight 3, 4 and 5 applications * Console applications * Windows Service * Windows Phone 7.x and 8.0 applications * Windows 8 applications...
Yield - The simplest ASP.NET Static Site Generator (a.k.a. flattener). You just need to make a few minor tweaks to your site configuration, and you're set to generate static HTML.
A library that simplifies generating complex HTML files from C# code.
Generates color scheme xaml files while replacing certain parts of a template file.
The Spart library is an object oriented recursive descent parser generator framework implemented in C#.
.NET library to Generator Random Strings, Greate for generating OTP and Passwords.
Fast Lightweight eXtensible BLog Engine
Support package for DasMulli.DataBuilderGenerator, containing the [GenerateDataBuilder] attribute. Directly reference DasMulli.DataBuilderGenerator for best results.
The LINQ extension library is a collection of extensions written in C# that help in common programming tasks related to arrays, collections and any other type of enumerable.
Generator for exporting data to Office (Excel and Word)
RNGLR parsers generator for F# based on YaccConstructor.
Package for rapid prototyping develop new functions. WordsGenerators, PersonsGenerators, Lorem impsum, ... By default use own resources for generate words ..., but you can create your words repository and inject them for generators (Use database repository, language-dependent repository, ...).
Yeoman is the scaffolding tool for creating modern webapps, which helps getting started and bootstrap your application with popular front-end tools and frameworks. It is comprised of three tools: yo (the scaffolding tool), grunt (the build tool) and bower (for package management).
An MSBuild task that generates a strongly typed helper class for resource files with support for string formatting.
Tools for Visual Studio written in C#
This generates dungeons for the Dungeons and Dragons 3.5 system. Dungeons are fully fleshed out with details, traps, and encounters
Package containing build targets for automatically generating WCF Service clients directly from the Service XSD at build time.
LoopGen - Super Easy Way to Continuously Generate EntityFramework POCO code from Your MSSQL Database. Cloud Based Code Generator - Continuously generate .NET C# EntityFramework DbContext and POCO Objects from Your MSSQL Database. It’s super easy to use!! How It Works: - Create a unit test ...
Code Generator