Top 20 NuGet guid Packages

Simple extensions to allow less verbose conversions of System.Guid to/from other types. Used to simplify projects that use numeric ids and need to upgraded to use UUID based ids or projects that work as an interface between the two forms of entry identification.
Provides extension methods for user's identity. (Get User ID and Generate JWT)
Generate Name Address City ZipCode Color and a lot more (Current Languages: NL BE US)
System.Guid extensions.
Everyone knows that typical, 128-bit GUIDs are subject to collisions, given enough time. Rubbishsoft has crafted a unique and secure solution to this dilemma with LongGUID by offering 3.94 x 10^115 as much security for your GUIDs by utilizing an industry-leading 512 bits per identifier, as opposed...
Creates a url friendly base64 version of a Guid
User friendly (relatively), fast unique token generation library.
A library for .Net that makes creating and working with custom identifiers easy. Stop relying on ambiguous Guid's/Integers for your Id's and start using something ubiquitous !
gicon is to help you to generate icon by 128-bit hash (MD5, SHA1) or GUID.
Angular Service for Creating UUID and GUID
GuidIO manages the directory structure for files automatically based on the file name.
It's a Sample of Microsoft AspNet Identity using Guid
It's a Sample of Microsoft AspNet Identity using Guid
ASP.NET Core Identity by default uses string as primary key, using GuIdentity you will have guid as a primary key.
Crypto utilities to easy our daily jobs, it has SHA utils, GUID utils, etc.
Took the code from and made myself a reusable nuget to be able to make db-specific sequential guids.
Various lightweight utilities which are not specific to any application concern and do not have external dependencies
ASP.NET Core Identity by default uses string as primary key, using GuIdentity you will have guid as a primary key.
A Simple Unique Identifier (SUID) is (almost) unique like a GUID but only 7 characters ! There are five types of fixed size SUID : * LettersOnlySuid : 14 lowercase letters * UrlFriendlySuid : 10 url friendly characters * FilenameSuid : 10 characters than can be used to create a filename * Suid : 9...
A simple .NET Core global tool to generate any number of GUID/UUIDs (v3 MD5 hashed, v4 random, v5 SHA-1 hashed), Hashids, Nanoids, Xcode identifiers suitable for storyboard and XIB files, and more.