Top 20 NuGet fsharp Packages

Core utilities and tools for building Arachnid routers
Parse excel file with combinator
Fable bindings for WebMIDI
Utilities for Fable Nodejs apps
Davenport is a CouchDB client for simplifying common tasks like get, list, create, update and delete. This package wraps the original C# package, making it much more friendly to the functional programming style of F#.
F# Core Library with common utilities functions and monadic types
Lambda calculus implementation using FSharp. The library exposes the classic combinators, boolean algebra, numeral agebra using Church numerals, pairs algebra. Combinators: S, K, I, M, KI, C, B, Th, B1, V Boolean: GTrue, GFalse, GAnd, GOr, GBeq Numerals: G0, G1, G2, GSucc, GPred, GAdd, GSum, GMul, G...
Elm inspire encoder and decoder for JSON targetting .Net and NetCore runtime
Hopac.Websockets - A Threadsafe Hopac wrapper around Websockets
A library for easily working with Xml in Fable projects
Type-safe F# state management (like Elm and Redux) for Blazor.
Blazor rendering with F# and state management with BlazorRedux.
Blazor rendering with F# and state management with Flatware.
Fable.React binding for Flatpickr component
Sequence composite interface to BSON. Powered by Newtonsoft.Json.Bson and Project Composite.
Minimal Elmish application with Fulma support
Fable bindings for the NPM package "react-sidebar".