Top 20 NuGet fsharp Packages

Package Description
Dap Remote for access Squidex
JSON Formatter based on Thoth.Json.Net
Use F# to create and consume flexible, strongly typed web APIs following the JSON:API specification.
Use F# to create and consume flexible, strongly typed web APIs following the JSON:API specification.
Use F# to create and consume flexible, strongly typed web APIs following the JSON:API specification.
A session provider for Freya
A library for easily writing CloudFlare workers in F# to be used with Fable.
FSec is a tool for automatically running security tests for .NET programs. The tool provides some basic security testing functionality to discover vulnerabilities.
GUI for Game.Engine based on Myra
Simple Game Engine in F# Based on MonoGame
Tooltip extension for Feliz.Bulma
QuickView extension for Feliz.Bulma
Popover extension for Feliz.Bulma
This package contains easy to use functions for accessing Visma Severa.
Fable Import for MSAL version 1.2.1 and maybe higher, when no breaking changes are comming.
This package contains easy to use functions for accessing Zendesk Support API.
Read/write functions for various biological file formats
Image recognition and analysis using wavelet transformations