Top 20 NuGet fsharp Packages

An elmish wrapper around Miguel de Icaza's 'Gui.cs' including F# Feliz-like like view DSL.
FSharp.Control.WebSockets wraps dotnet WebSockets in FSharp friendly functions and has a ThreadSafe version
A library for building FParsec parsers using pipeline operators.
An FSharp library that can be used while using W#
Type-level natural number arithmetic and constraints using fixed-point decimal types.
Fable bindings for Pixi.js
.NET bindings for the TensorFlow 2 C API. These are low-level bindings suitable for creating high-level idiomatic interfaces to TensorFlow 2 in languages like C# and F#.
High-level functional and verifiable TensorFlow 2.0 API.
The F# HTML library (FSharp.Data.Html.dll) implements everything you need to parse HTML in your F# applications and scripts.
F# Library for defining, exploring and proving concepts in abstract algebra.
The package is a collection of libraries that can be used for literate programming with F# (great for building documentation) and for generating library documentation from inline code comments. The key componments are Markdown parser, tools for formatting F# code snippets, includin...
Package Description
Extensions, auxiliary functions and data structures for the F# programming language.
Minimalist jupyter-friendly tool for effort-free downloading of complete datasets or individual files hosted on, according to the kaggle API.
Data visualization for bioinformatic purposes
Machine learning with BioFSharp and CNTK.Net.
Open source bioinformatics and computational biology toolbox written in F#.
An addition for the FsHttp library, providing convenience for testing.