Top 20 NuGet fsharp Packages

Core utilities and tools for building Arachnid machines, powered by the Hopac concurrency library
Core utilities and tools for building Arachnid machines
URI Template based Arachnid router
Native support for destructuring F# types when logging to Serilog.
LSON is intended to be a S-Expression serialization library
Building Dockerfiles from F#.
Blazor rendering with F#.
Client part of Elmish.Remoting
FSec is a tool for automatically running security tests for .NET programs. The tool provides some basic security testing functionality to discover vulnerabilities in an application, including: XSS, XML Bomb, XPath injection, SQL injection, URL tampering, URL bogus, ...
Suave server for Elmish.Bridge
Elmish.XamarinForms client for Elmish.Bridge
An F# module to parse Java .properties files
BrokenDiscord is a Discord API Library written in F#.
Fable bindings for debounce
JSON mapper for System.Json
Colorize console output for F#