Top 20 NuGet framework Packages
Provides a common infrastructure for testing Kephas based model services.
Typically used areas and classes/interfaces/services:
- TestBase.
- Injection: InjectionTestBase.
Kephas Framework ("stone" in aramaic) aims to deliver a solid infrastructure fo...
Provides base classes for testing using the System.Composition (MEF) composition services.
Typically used areas and classes/interfaces/services:
- Composition: AutofacCompositionTestBase.
Kephas Framework ("stone" in aramaic) aims to deliver a solid infrastructur...
integrated aspnet core and Bridge.NET crossplatform toolkit for building typesafe web applications in C#
integrated aspnet core and Bridge.NET crossplatform toolkit for building typesafe web applications in C#
A full implementation of pitaya backend framework for .NET
Provides primitives for string and text manipulation.
Provides extended math primitives.
The module provides primitives for LINQ expressions.
Provides primitives for functional processing of data sequences.
Provides commonly demanded input/output functionality that is missing in conventional .NET platform.
Provides high-level integration with OS web browser.
Provides primitives for command line manipulation.
Provides additional data collections, primitives and polyfills for .NET: ConcurrentHashSet<T>, AssociativeArray<T>, PriorityQueue<T>, Deque<T>.
some tools for fast developing back-end.
Game architecture for MonoGame.
Package containing generic database access technology using Entity Framework
The module provides hardware-accelerated operations for numeric data types.
.NET polyfill to the future. A versatile RAD (Rapid Application Development) framework for .NET platform.
Gapotchenko.FX closes the gaps in original .NET design by providing the long-missing functionality that should have been mainstream since 2012.
This package represents Gapotchenko.FX.Drawing m...
Luis Dialog implemention for v4 of the Bot Builder .NET SDK.