Top 20 NuGet framework Packages
Engine for Nybus based on RabbitMQ.
The AForge.Controls library contains some reusable UI classes used as in AForge.NET framework's samples, as in some independent applications. Full list of features is available on the project's web site.
Contains neural learning algorithms such as Levenberg-Marquardt, Parallel Resilient Backpropagation, initialization procedures such as Nguyen-Widrow and other neural network related methods. This package is part of the Accord.NET Framework.
TWCore Framework.
A multipurpose framework library for .net core
An extension for EntityFrameworkCore that provides Auditing, Concurrency Checks, JSON Complex Types and writing history to Transaction Log.
EsWork Libraries
Host ServiceStack in an existing ASP.NET web application at the root path '/'.
ServiceStack is a modern, high-performance, code-first web service framework promoting code and web services best practices. Simple, Fast, Elegant. Website:
Histograms, scatterplots and tabular data viewers for scientific applications. This package is part of the Accord.NET Framework.
Windows Forms controls to show and handle images. Contains Color Sliders, Hue Pickers, PictureBox with extended format support, video players, and a convenient ImageBox control which mimics the traditional MessageBox behavior for quickly displaying or inspecting images. This package is part of the A...
Play and record audio using DirectSound. This package is part of the Accord.NET Framework.
numl is a machine learning library intended to ease the use of using standard modeling techniques for both prediction and clustering
Beetle Mvc 5 Entity Framework 6 sample Todo project.
This is the Xamarin.Mac platform for Eto.Forms UI Framework.
Include this along with your Eto.Forms application to provide an macOS interface for Mac users.
When used in a desktop project, this package will automatically create a macOS application bundle to run on a Mac.
You must buil...
This NuGet package is for ODP.NET, Managed Driver applications that use Code First and/or Entity Framework 6 applications. It will add and configure the Oracle Entity Framework assembly for your application.
Essential types and helpers, extensions for System.Runtime.
Easy-to-use test run reporter for NUnit 3 (NUnit extension for both NUnit.Console and NUnit.Engine)
Allows creating acceptance tests in developer friendly environment by offering LightBDD.Framework features on top of MsTest v2 (MSTest.TestFramework) testing framework.
High level features:
* user friendly bdd scenario definitions;
* test execution tracing and time measurement, helpful during longe...