Top 20 NuGet extensions Packages

A lot of the useful stuff I've developed over the years distilled down into some sharable libraries. (Collections Extensions)
SwiftHelper is a simple C# library with extension methods for commonly used operations on collections with optimization in mind.
Library with common extensions and objects for applications development
Collection of utilities to aid MigraDoc users.
.Net 常用与扩展
A library of extension methods to make Rx.NET code easier to write and read.
Saraff.TwainX.NET Extensions (LINQ to TWAIN).
Library with various static classes that provide useful functions, extensions and utilities usable in Windows environment.
.NET library for abstractions and other things to aid with .net development.
General utilities and helpers for MsAccess.
Useful Classes yo use everywhere
This package contains extensions for string class and others.
.Net Core 常用与扩展
Extensions for rewriting URLs in AspNetCore applications for Kubernetes.
AutoFact.Extras.NLog is porting to .NET Core
Adaptation of parts of Microsoft.Extensions for the obsolete .NET framework 2.0. The original namespaces and API are preserved as much as possible. Main adaptations: - Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection (ServiceCollection) - Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration (ini, json and memory) - Microsof...
Extension methods for System.Type
Extension methods for System.Object