Top 20 NuGet extensions Packages

RxCloud is a library for Windows Azure projects leverages power of Reactive Extensions.
This project was created to help developers work with Telerik Grid for ASP.NET MVC providing some mapping techniques to convert Entities objects into ViewModels objects. If you're one of us, you have to implement some sort of "custom binding" methods in order to query the database reporting t...
Documentation is included as part of the package. Source and current issues at Raise a bug at github or email [email protected]
Common helper classes and extension methods for ByndyuSoft.Infrastructure
Dynamo Ioc Extensions provide features like Lambda Registrations and Scoped resolving. It also adds LazyResolve and GetFactory extensions for resolving.
Entity Framework Repository, Unit of Work Interfaces and Abstract DbContextRepository, DbContextUnitOfWork derived from Interfaces.
Extensions for ASP.NET MVC
A F#-friendly wrapper for the Reactive Extensions.
C# source implementation that enhances LINQ to Objects with the method MinBy. Returns the minimal element of the given sequence, based on the given projection.
C# source implementation that enhances LINQ to Objects with the method Pairwise. Returns a sequence resulting from applying a function to each element in the source sequence and its predecessor, with the exception of the first element which is only returned as the predecessor of the second element.
C# source implementation that enhances LINQ to Objects with the method ForEach. Immediately executes the given action on each element in the source sequence.
ASP.NET MVC 4 Useful Extensions
Typed Class Data Attribute for xUnit Test Framework, allowing to use typed data (classes, structs, anonymous types or dynamic types) as a source for xUnit's data theories, instead of using untyped object arrays.
Extensions to HtmlHelper for things like checkbox lists, adds support for most to HTML5 input types and provides a fluent strongly-type way of specifying attributes.
Extension methods for .NET built-in types
Library of miscellaneous convenience methods, zero-config fluent logging, and more...
C# source implementation that enhances LINQ to Objects with the method OrderedMerge. Merges two heterogeneous sequences ordered by a common key into a homogeneous sequence.
SuperMassive is a small condensed framework of reusable .NET components and utility classes. It's your supermassive .NET swiss army knife.
Squire Microsoft unit testing extensions.
Hi Guys! You can find the source code at Project Site: Our team really love to work with Rx and it helps a lot in our development. And we implemented some add-on extensions which are helpful for us. So let me share with you guys!