Top 20 NuGet entityframework Packages

Zero Framework is .NET based framework for rapid development of thick client applications using agile methodologies. It uses EF Code First, Caliburn.Micro, custom message-based comunication running over WCF and MEF for dependency resolution.
Zero Framework is .NET based framework for rapid development of thick client applications using agile methodologies. It uses EF Code First, Caliburn.Micro, custom message-based comunication running over WCF and MEF for dependency resolution.
This package provides a means of intercepting entities before they are saved and taking custom actions, and distributing the configuration of the entity-relational model.
An EntityFramework DbContext with built in change auditing.
implementation of IRepository, IUnitOfWork with EntityFramework.
Data Dource Control That Uses DbContext as Storage, Overrides LinqDataSource
Templates for generating context, entities, entity configurations, repositories, and db migrations configuration from Entity Framework model (edmx).
Extensions and improvements for Entity Framework
The fastest and smoothest way to great architecture
SharpRepository is a generic repository written in C# which includes support for various relational, document and object databases including Entity Framework, RavenDB, MongoDB, CouchDB and Db4o. SharpRepository includes Xml and InMemory repository implementations as well. SharpRepository offers buil...
Generic Repository and UnitOfWork Pattern implementation with base classes for Entity Framework
Entity Framework Repository, Unit of Work Interfaces and Abstract DbContextRepository, DbContextUnitOfWork derived from Interfaces.
A repositiory wrapper for the Entity Framework offering full unit test support through interfaced DbContext and nested unit of works for DB first and model first setups. See for installation details.
This package provides additional events for when EntityFramework connections are opened and closed, or commands are executed.
RIAServices.EF4 provides the LinqToEntitiesDomainService<T> class which can be used to create Domain Service classes for use with an ObjectContext from Entity Framework 4.0. This package can be used in place of a GAC reference to the System.ServiceModel.DomainServices.EntityFramework assembly, maki...
DCommon data adapter for Entity Framework
DCommon data adapter for NHibernate
CloudSoft.Repositories help you to use a generic (unit of work) repository for EntityFramework 6 with data migration based on sql script