Top 20 NuGet entityframework Packages

Adds Z.EntityFramework.Extensions support to Turner.Infrastructure.Crud. For documentation or support, head to the github page:
Entity Framework Core data access for applications based on VoidCore.Model.
Support for store functions (table valued functions, scalar user defined functions and stored procedures) for Entity Framework Classic Code First.
Package Description
Convention base Entity Framework Core Scaffolding
FileMaker Provider for Entity Framework Core
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Contains shared dll's and managers for api programming and data operations.
EF Core-backed Persistence for JasperFx Applications
Hybrid 数据访问组件,封装EntityFrameworkCore的Sqlite数据访问功能的实现
In this library we can add custom result set model classes in Entity framework core.
Package Description
Generic repository contracts
Package Description
Allows for adding custom key/value pairs to existing entity types for the BlueBoxMoon.Data.EntityFramework package. This can be done without having to modify the database schema of the entity you are adding facets to.
A set of classes to aid in rapid development of Entity Framework Core applications.
Repository pattern implementation for EntityFrameworkCore.