Top 20 NuGet encryption Packages

In cryptography, encryption is the process of encoding information. This process converts the original representation of the information, known as plaintext, into an alternative form known as ciphertext. Only authorized parties can decipher a ciphertext back to plaintext and access the original info...
Package Description
Simple extensions for encrypting/decrypting strings
Tools and utilities useful in encrypting data
This package provides robust symmetric AES256 encryption with a simple to consume API.
A simple library with security assistants.
SimpleEncryption.NET is a simple C# API that allow you to Encrypt and Decrypt Files, Byte Array and String. It provide you many chiffer, some verry quick and some verry strong. From Ceasar to AES, it allow you to save some IV Key for encrypting one side and decrypting an other side.
A simple wrapper for System.Security.Cryptography features.
A collection of utilities for easy and customizable encryption/decryption, text logging, data type checks etc
Microsoft Information Protection SDK File API for .NET Microsoft Information Protection (MIP) is the unification of Microsoft's classification, labeling, and protection services, into a single administration experience and software development kit (SDK). Unified administration is provided across...
Provides a simple way to implement encryption and decryption of bytes, strings, files and directories. Uses AES with KEY- and BLOCK-SIZE of 128.
DevAttic ConfigCrypter Console is a dotnet tool used to encrypt and decrypt keys in configuration files.
Package Description
Simple and easy to use tools for storing values while efficiently keeping them encrypted in the memory. The package conatins an alternative encrypted version for each variable type in CSharp. Code the same as before, just change from 'int' to 'EncInt' and the encryption will happen in the background...