Top 20 NuGet encryption Packages

In the programming world the developers must have to note some common functions/methods into somewhere in mind or maintain notebook. This AT.Common library provides those kind of common functions/methods and it reduces 30% developers coding time. I am not saying that AT.Common libary has provided ve...
Collection of some of WPF helper functions and controls.
Cronus Encryption Core
I'm Very Lazy To Write Description
An extension of ASP .NET Identity system to work with Always Encrypted feature.
Hash passwords easily (with salting). You can choose between 6 different hashing algorithms which are sha1, sha256, sha384, sha512 and blake2b
Network library that simplifies networking to using a few attributes. It takes care of serialization and encryption.
EasyNetwork simplifies the process of making client and server applications by abstracting most network code(event handlers, serialization, encryption, etc.). It is very unit test friendly.
A library to manage encryption and decryption of strings based on AES symmetric algorithm.
A library for encrypting and decrypting personal identifiable information on an object.
Microsoft.Azure.ServiceBus MessageId extension
The Scrypt (Silverlight Cryptography) library adds RSA Encryption, Decryption, Signing and Verification for Silverlight and Windows Phone 7. Key generation is performed asynchrounously so as not to block your UI. This library has been used successfully in Windows Phone 7 apps offered through AppHub....
A assembly to make it easier to encrypt and hash.
.Net library to simplify cryptography in so developers will actually use it
Utility classes designed for ASP.NET MVC; deals with encryption, routing, caching, authorization, and various other security issues. Designed by used with Dependency Injection.
Blowfish Encyption (BCrypt) provider for MVC.Utilities
The interfaces of Hobsons infrastructure services. You should use this nuget package for any projects which requires Hobsons infrastructure services. Then use your favourite DI tool to inject the dependencies.
The interfaces of Common Web Infrastructure. See README on github.