Top 20 NuGet encoding Packages

Véritable couteau suisse du .net, rlcx Power tools contient une énorme quantité d'outils plus utiles les uns que les autres.
Recursive Length Prefix (RLP) encoding for .NET
A portable library for .NET that implements character encodings used in Web pages and email.
Allows encoded environmental configurations
convert a byte buffer to its hexers(Upper Case)
ChineseEncoding for UWP
This library blurs the distinction between calling local and remote methods. It's fast, efficient, and avoids limitations of SOAP-based protocols such as WCF. Source code and documentation will be made available shortly.
Headers, import libraries, and runtime dlls for FFmpeg, based on the official FFmpeg windows builds.
Headers, import libraries, and runtime dlls for FFmpeg, based on the official FFmpeg windows builds.
Thai Character Set Encoding Converter
Text Utility Tools
C# port of BasE91, a high efficiency binary to ASCII encoding.
Generic Encoding Library
A fluent library of wonderful extensions and utilities that can make your code short and clean.
.net Standard port of CUETools.Codecs Original code from Gregory S. Chudov
A Unicode and emoji text-processing library for .NET, supporting UTF-8, UTF-16, and UTF-32 on .NET Standard
Redistribution of xdelta3 native lib for win-x64
Redistribution of xdelta3 native lib for linux-x64