Top 20 NuGet extensions Packages

Extension methods for Swedbank Pay SDK
Infrastructure extensions to easy use MediatR with Autofac. Logging and validation decorators presented
log4net http push extensions
Common extensions used in CSI projects.
EFCore integrate with search engine function
AppEngine.Extensions is a framework and tools for .NET Core Application
Package Description
Some useful C# extension methods
TecLimit Essential Extensions Library
The migration tooling of .NET Framework application that needs to support a with Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting like syntax.
The migration tooling of .NET Framework application that needs to support a legacy configurations for Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.
The migration tooling of .NET Framework application that needs to support a with Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection DI.
The migration tooling of .NET Framework application that needs to support a legacy configurations for Microsoft.FeatureManagement.
General purpose extensions methods.
Essence is used by Cedita when creating new applications that follow certain standards of development and practices. Continually updated with new features and bugfixes as necessary, commercially supported from Cedita.
A MVVM toolbox of a bindable object, and commands that using Reactive Extensions.