Top 20 NuGet extension Packages

Extension methods and Helper class functionality to extend common .NET functionality. This package not does this come with any warranty. Contributions welcome.
Extension methods for Task<IEnumerable>
C# Extension Methods
Note: The package will not be maintained anymore! Library including WebDriverFactory class and other useful utilities and extensions.
Customizable open source library for validating generic file formats (size, extension, file signature, checksum etc.) with available extensions which can detect corrupted files of some popular file formats.
Customizable open source library for validating generic file formats (size, extension, file signature, checksum etc.) with available extensions which can detect corrupted files of some popular file formats.
sqlite-net extension
Extension methods for .NET.
String Extension
Redis 高性能扩展必备插件
Package with useful converters and extensions
Reusable extension for .NET Framework Class Library
.NET Extension Method