Top 20 NuGet extension Packages

Various tools,extensions, etc. for .Net Core Upgraded to core 3.1
Contains some helper/estension methods I've found usefull during writing my free time projects. Because it is my first nuget package, this should be treated as a test. Anyway if someone will find it usefull feel free to check it out.
entensão para uso em qualquer projeto .Net Core
MailBox query extension allows query mailbox using IMAP and EWS
Provides security and cryptographic services
Provides helper extensions for various base types
Create and Extract package files i.e. tgz, zip, gz
Three extension methods to validate a string value
Determines file format type from header
Allows extracting and manipulating information in PDF documents.
A collection of extension methods for .Net Core, .NetFramework >= 4.5, Mono, Xamarin, UWP, Phone
Small library of Extension methods I frequently use in netstandard projects.
Http Client extensions
Legacy collection of mostly extension methods for manipulating strings, arrays, lists, GUIDs, file names, etc.
A simple library extension-method based to solve common tasks
A fluent library of wonderful extensions and utilities that can make your code short and clean.
Write collection to console as a table
This is a Sql automatic data mapping library which extends the SqlConnection class. It is intended to be as simple to use as possible through the use of one parameter generic query methods and attributes