Top 20 NuGet extension Packages

Sizzle selector support for Selenium WebDriver.
ChromaGraphics is an easy to use Colore extension for building CustomGrid effects using basic Graphics methods.
Serializer(s) meant to be used in conjunction w/ the log4net.Ext.Json library.
Omnifactotum.NUnit: Provides helper and functional classes for testing with NUnit.
Omnifactotum.Wpf is the ultimate solution for WPF .NET developers who want to streamline their development process. It provides its own helper and functional types as well as the extension methods for the standard .NET types. It's the perfect way to reduce errors and save time, allowing developers t...
Integrates CommonProvider to Autofac Ioc for resolving dependencies.
Integrates CommonProvider to the Unity Ioc for resolving dependencies.
xUnit VW Extension is an extension to the xUnit testing framework which enables you to pass failing tests when using continuous integration tools.
Everything you have in Reusable Library Abstractions that can have an extension is here.
AppDynamics extension sdk provides an easy way to build extensions for AppDynamics .NET agent. AppDynamics .NET agent extensions can be used to send custom metrics or events from agent machine to AppDynamics monitoring platform.
This package includes the extension methods for CheckBoxList in ASP.NET MVC, offering the similar way of handling the model binding as the other ASP.NET MVC types.
Source code for DryIoc integration with ASP.NET SignalR
Roman numerals extensions.
Extension for the Unity IoC container that makes it easy to track IDisposable instances created during Resolve(), in order to dispose of them cleanly.
An library with some common tools and utilities like dump object, enumerable extensions etc.
Contains LinqPad Utility extensions.Simplifies file content manipulations offering Fluent API to the most used File and Directory operations. For more information
See Project Page for Details
Generic extension method enabling retrival of ExcelTable rows as an enumeration of typed objects.