Top 20 NuGet ef6 Packages

Optimize EF6 queries for second level ef cache.
Entity Framework: Bulk Insert, BulkSaveChanges, Bulk Update, Bulk Delete, Bulk Merge, and Bulk Synchronize. Support: SQL Server, SQL Azure, PostgreSQL Coming soon: SQL Compact, Oracle, MySQL, and SQLite This library is NOT FREE. Trial period always stops at the end of the month.
We moved here: NOTE: The current package is *UNSUPPORTED* since 2014
Repository Service EF6 with UnitOfWork now with IQueryable and List features
Makes Use of Repository.Services in MVC5 and Microsoft Unity for dependency injection.
Server side extensions for WebApi 5.2 with EF6, oData v4 and Json.NET;
Server side extensions for WebApi 5.2 with EF6, oData v4 and Json.NET; Client side js library for jQuery >=2.1 and bootstrap >=3.0
DNTProfiler.EntityFramework.Core is an entity framework 6.1+ profiler. To view its real-time collected information and reports, you need to download the DNTProfiler application too.
Interfaces that abstract entity framework context and DbSet
Entity Framework Tools
SAP Data SQLAnywhere for Entity Framework 6
ORM Lite For Access SQL Using .Net Framework
Verifies RowVersion fields are flagged as Concurrency Fixed
Code generation (bulk insert and repository templates) and runtime classes
add documentation summary for entity framework 6.x edmx file from database table and column comment,now for sqlserver only, you can download source code to add other db implementation!
This package can manage bulk update and delete operations. You don't have to load the record to update or delete it.
EF wrapper
Extends EF6 with temp tables
Provides an extension method to materialize a paginated query. This package is for Entity Framework 6.x. For an identical API on Entity Framework Core, see `FGS.Linq.Extensions.Pagination.EntityFrameworkCore`.