Top 20 NuGet ef6 Packages
Cronus Encryption entity framework 6 library. Enable on the fly data encryption and decryption for your entity framework project.
Middle layer framework to compose functions such as "clone", "compare", "serialize" etc using "navigation expressions" and provide some abstractions missed in standard framework ("repository", "buffered conditional logging", etc.).
Support for store functions (table valued functions, scalar user defined functions and stored procedures) for Entity Framework Classic Code First.
Entity Framework Extensions extends your DbContext with high-performance bulk operations: BulkSaveChanges, BulkInsert, BulkUpdate, BulkDelete, BulkMerge, and more.
Supported Provider: SQL Server, SQL Azure, PostgreSQL, SQL Compact, MySQL, and SQLite.
A collection of EF contributions for .NET Entity Framework 6.
Some Sql Server performance analyzers to be used with the Performance Interceptor.
A library that extends the functionality of Entity Framework 6 by adding batch update, future queries and audit logs.
Testing helpers for using NSubstitute with EntityFramework.
Global exceptions logger for Entity Framework 6.x using ELMAH.
A WinForms utility to help manage Entity Framework 6.0+ migrations
DNX command line tool to enable EF6 migrations in an Asp.Net Core app
Extensions for Entity Framework 6 migrations. Supports table and column descriptions, default values and always encrypted columns.
This library provides custom mapping configurations for Entity Framework.
A simple transactional dbcontext implementation.
The implementation of CommonUnitOfWork package for EntityFramework 6
The package is a part of the Saritasa Tools project. Collection of tools for our company projects for Entity Framework 6.
A library that extends the functionality of Entity Framework 6.1 by adding batch update, future queries and audit logs.
Early preview of some testing helpers for Entity Framework.
Entity Framework Second Level Caching Library.