Top 20 NuGet ef6 Packages

A .NetCore CLI tool to enable EF6 migrations in an Asp.Net Core app.
EntityFramework.Toolkit is a library which provides implementations for EntityFramework best practices, patterns, utilities and extensions.
Entity Framework Second Level Caching Library.
Testing helpers for using FakeItEasy with EntityFramework.
EfSchemaCompare.EF6 allows you to compare Entity Framework's database modal with an actual SQL database. Useful if you are managing the database and its migrations yourself and want to ensure that the SQL is in step with EF.
Local SQLite database generated via Entity Framework 6 from code (code first). Provides custom support for database migrations based on schema versioning as described by Inne Hoekstra: Adds a few sample files to your project...
Access Stored Procedures with Code First. Includes support for Input and Output parameters, multiple result sets and Table-valued parameters. V2.1 updates the Table-valued parameter support to a much simpler POCO model, more in keeping with the spirit of Code First / Entity Framework 4.1 ...
the abstraction implementation for EF Core.
Elastic APM for Entity Framework 6. This package contains auto instrumentation for Entity Framework 6. See:
A light-weight implementation of UnitOfWork pattern for SqlAzure based on EF6 to benefit from SqlAzureExecutionStrategy. This implementation provide a way to share a UnitOfWork, and hence DbContext, between different parts of the application, not only repositories.
EF+ Full Version | C# Entity Framework Utilities (Bulk Operations | Batch Delete | Batch Update | Query Cache | Query Filter | Query Future | Query Include | Audit) This is a fork that implements a check for in memory connection using effort in EF6. This way, we can use the library in unit tests. ...
Early preview of some testing helpers for using Moq with Entity Framework.