Top 20 NuGet dotnetcore Packages

Minimal template for dot net core microservice.
Templates for dot net core microservice.
Create a simple Bot with ASP.NET Core Web API
Create an ASP.NET Core Web API ready to for AWS Lambda
Create an ASP.NET Core Web application ready to run on your Raspberry Pi
Middleware that, when included in your Asp.Net Core app, allows you to throw new HttpStatusCodeException() and interrupt the execution of a request while sending back a response with the given Status Code and Body.
Cake addin for fluent description for dotnetcore tooling relative tasks.
A GraphQL .NET library for usage with ASP.NET Core.
A GraphQL .NET server library.
The CkEditorMinimal control for DotVVM made by DotVVM Contrib community.
The TypeAhead control for DotVVM made by DotVVM Contrib community.
C# Fluent API for interacting with Mock-Server
Dotnetcore PDF html based generator. Uses the libwkhtmltox native libraries to genrate pdf data.
DotVVM integration with Electron
This is a direct fork of the DotNetCorePdf project by Chirs Bardsley, updated to use the .net Core 2.0 framework.
Creates an ASP.NET Core web application connecting to an Azure Cosmos DB SQL account.