Top 20 NuGet dotnetcore Packages

Package Description
Package Description
⏱ Superfast ^Advanced wildcards++? `*,|,?,^,$,+,#,>,++??,##??,>c` ... Unique algorithms that was implemented on native unmanaged C++ but easily accessible in .NET through Conari (recommended due to caching of 0x29 opcodes + related optimizations) etc. ✔ regex-like quantifiers and amazing meta symb...
J3DI is a Domain-Driven Design framework for .NET Core and is intended to be minimalistic & cross-platform. This package, J3DI.Domain, is the foundation and may be used stand-alone.
Lifesaver when working with horizontally scalable micro services in .NETCore. This library ensures and exposes vital properties of request and response properties like corelation id, entry time-stamp and tree depth.
Dotnet CLI extension for running a website with a custom port number and opening the browser on run.
Command line parser for .net core
Command line parser for .net core
Returns a greeting
Configuration.EntityFramework.Localization provides custom localization components. These components leverage Configuration.EntityFramework for persistence
Add an msbuild task to automatically compile your apps runtime identifier
The Select2 control for DotVVM made by DotVVM Contrib community.
The Slider and Switch controls for DotVVM made by DotVVM Contrib community.
The TemplateSelector control for DotVVM made by DotVVM Contrib community.
.NET Standard v1.3 interface for module development on Azure IoT Edge.
Hangfire.Sqlite extension for .Net Core
Light Light Utility to change the Foreground and Background color of a console app