Top 20 NuGet design Packages

Contains a bunch of interfaces, abstract classes, etc... to easily deal with domain driven architectures
集成了 MagicOnion 与 Consul 服务注册的 RPC 模块,支持与 ABP 框架一起使用。
集成了 MagicOnion 与 Consul 服务发现的 RPC 模块,支持与 ABP 框架一起使用。
ShanoBinding markup extension for XAML/WPF that provides a DesignTimeValue property
A tiny utility for declaring Dependency Injection (DI) services with Attributes or Interface.
Say hello to #FigmaSharp and enhance your .NET applications taking advantage of Figma's component system creating beautiful views in your application!
Opinionated .NET Core Library for Producer Consumer Pattern Abstractions using System.Threading.Tasks.Dataflow.
YoYo.SenparcWX 盛派微信SDK
YoYo.SenparcWX 盛派微信SDK
YoYo.SenparcWX 盛派微信SDK
YoYo.SenparcWX 盛派微信SDK
LogicBuilder.Attributes provides some of the data for automatic configuration of functions, variables and contructors.
Fast, reliable and simplified common code standards such as singleton design pattern ready to use.
Fast, reliable and simplified common code standards such as singleton design pattern ready to use.