Top 20 NuGet design Packages

DrON port of ASP.NET Boilerplate
Package Description
Adds a simple CSS file used to debug media queries.
Get the Metro design right in your Windows 8 app. Support for Filled, Snapped and Fullscreen, Landscape and Portrait. Based on the MetroGridHelper for Windows Phone by Jeff Wilcox.
NOTE: SaltFx has been replaced by LeadPipe.Net! SaltFx is an open source N-Layered Domain Driven Design framework for .NET development. This is the core SaltFx package and is used by most other SaltFx packages. You may also be interested in SaltFx.Application, SaltFx.Domain, SaltFx.Data, or one of ...
NOTE: SaltFx has been replaced by LeadPipe.Net! SaltFx is an open source N-Layered Domain Driven Design framework for .NET development. This is the SaltFx application package and provides essential application tier objects. You may also be interested in SaltFx.Domain, SaltFx.Data, or one of the pre...
NOTE: SaltFx has been replaced by LeadPipe.Net! SaltFx is an open source N-Layered Domain Driven Design framework for .NET development. This is the SaltFx data package and provides essential data tier objects. You can use this package to build your own data implementation. You may also be intereste...
NOTE: SaltFx has been replaced by LeadPipe.Net! SaltFx is an open source N-Layered Domain Driven Design framework for .NET development. This is the SaltFx NHibernate data implementation package. Install this package if you want to use the NHibernate O/RM in your project. You may also be interested ...
NOTE: SaltFx has been replaced by LeadPipe.Net! SaltFx is an open source N-Layered Domain Driven Design framework for .NET development. This is the SaltFx RavenDB data implementation package. Install this package if you want to use RavenDB in your project. You may also be interested in SaltFx.Appli...
NOTE: SaltFx has been replaced by LeadPipe.Net! SaltFx is an open source N-Layered Domain Driven Design framework for .NET development. This is the SaltFx domain package and provides essential domain tier objects such as Entities, Value Objects, Repositories, and other well-known DDD concepts. You ...
A little framework to be useful for the implementation of several design patterns in .NET.
Simple tools for validating input parameters
A light weight library for writing domain centric database applications.
N-Tier Entity Framework WCF RIA Services base library and T4 code generation templates.
T4 code generation templates for N-Tier Entity Framework.
IMPORTANT: This package is not used anymore. Use package.
IMPORTANT: This package is not used anymore. Use package.
ASP.NET Boilerplate - Core Module
ASP.NET Boilerplate - Core Module - Infrastructure - NHibernate
ASP.NET Boilerplate - Core Module - Web Layer