Top 20 NuGet dependency Packages

The package adds interception to the default dependency injection container.
Extends Microsoft Dependency Injection for registering and resolving interfaces/classes by name. automatic registration of modules
Twino IOC Service containers and scopes
Abstractions for Command Query Responsability Segregation with Mediator, supporting Dependency Injection and extensible middleware based pipelines.
Command Query Responsability Segregation with Mediator, supporting Dependency Injection and extensible middleware based pipelines.
Package Description
Package Description
A part of the legendary ByteBee-Framework!
Oracle database module for GenericSqlProvider.
A plugin for Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection to support automatically injecting all types which defines ITransientType, IScopedType, ISingletonType.
HCI.IoC is a NuGet library to help you perform the inversion of control with Simple Injector easily automatically.
Provides the basis for implementing the Ambient Context pattern. Includes a Clock implementation based on it. The Ambient Context pattern is an Inversion of Control (IoC) pattern that provides static access to a dependency while controlling the dependency from the outside. The pattern optimizes cod...
Dependency injection support for NEventLite with Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection
Contains .NET Framework configuration elements for Prettig.Di
Dependency injection support for NEventLite with Autofac
Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection bridge for validation rules.
Adds support for multiple implementations to Xamarin.Forms's DI system