Top 20 NuGet dependency Packages

The pack with additional helpers and wrappers for ASP.NET MVC applications, based on dependency injection, thus fully testable.
ServiceStack.ContainerAdapter.Unity is a library that enables the Microsoft Unity framework to be used as the ServiceStack Inversion Of Control (IoC) provider.
ASP.NET MVC5 & WebApi2 integration package for Griffin.Container. Add "GriffinContainerConfig.Configure();" to global.asax after the installation.
Grace.NSubstitute provides integration classes between NSubstitute and Grace (Dependency Injection Contaniner)
Grace.NLog provides integration class between NLog and Grace (Dependency Injection Container)
Grace.Moq provides integration classes between Moq and Grace (Dependency Injection Container)
Nancy.Bootstrapper.Grace is a Nancy bootstrapper using Grace for dependency injection
HaveBox Web Extensions Supports easy HaveBox integration with: ASP.NET MVC4 ASP:NET Web API Supported Frameworks: .Net 4.0, 4.5 and 4.5.1
A dependency injection container for registering and resolving types.
A .NET library that helps you easily check for required runtime dependencies on Dynamics CRM. See for details.
It is very light weight Dependency Resolver based on patterns & practices - Unity. It can resolve both MVC Controller and WebApi Controller.
Advanced registration methods for Simple Injector DI framework.
All interfaces used by ModuleInject.
Common functionality required by ModuleInject.
Repository Pattern For Frankstein
Repository Pattern For Frankstein
Versioner is a utility library to provide the notion of versions and dependencies for .NET applications and to implement common operations atop them.
Exor.Core is a simple, attribute-driven extension framework. Implemented as a PCL for cross-platform usage, Exor.Core allows you to define type mappings in a deferred manner, i.e. types defined in BaseModule can be subclassed in AddinModule and those subtypes loaded in respon...
Container4Asp.Net provides generalized IoC Container integration for Asp.Net and the OWIN stack, allowing for consistent inclusion of IoC implementations into Asp.Net.
This library helps make it easier to use Microsoft.Composition package (a.k.a. MEF2) with ASP.NET MVC 5.