Top 20 NuGet debugging Packages

Add Component.As.Service to your AspNetCore app in the usual way and behold as your application component is exposed to the world at `http://localhost:5000/MyApplicationComponent/MethodName?parameterA=a&parameterB=B` ``` public class Startup { public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection ser...
Add RouteDebuggingLogger to your AspNetCore app and behold in relieve as it explains to your Logger what routes AspNetCore.Mvc has identified. ``` public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IHostingEnvironment env) { if (env.IsDevelopment()) { app .UseDeveloperExcepti...
The Growlytics Notifier for .NET gives you instant notification of exceptions thrown from your .NET applications. Any uncaught exceptions will trigger a notification to be sent to your Growlytics project.
BrowserLauncher is a dotnet run CLI extension to launch a browser when starting an AspNetCore application from the dotnet command line.
Provides trace collection and debugging capabilities for Stringier.Patterns.
Contais utility classes that can be used to check debug signatures of files. Allows reading Portable Executable (e.g. DLL, EXE) and Program Database (PDB) files. Also ones that are packed into ZIP archive or NuGet package. This package also provides a class that can be used to group readings by the...
A tiny set of attributes + regutil exe to programmatically update the VS2010 IntelliTrace CollectionPlan.xml file, which let IntelliTrace use your custom events.
Simple and yet effective script debugging, tracing, coverage, and other tools. They are designed for any PowerShell host and may be used in the NuGet console for debugging and testing NuGet and Visual Studio specific scripts.
SourceIndexingSharp.Extractor is a tool that will extract source files via command line. SourceIndexingSharp generates source server commands within pdb files, which in turn, call this extractor. SourceIndexingSharp is embedded within this extractor.
Remote Tools (Debuggers) for Visual Studio.
Provides common PowerShell editor capabilities as a .NET library.
Provides a process for hosting the PowerShell Editor Services library exposed by a JSON message protocol.
Provides message types and client/server APIs for the PowerShell Editor Services JSON protocol.
Writer which writes bugs
Debbugging Dynamics CRM IPlugin and CodeActivity Execute method without deployment and profiling. Use to imporve quality and productivity of your Dynamics CRM testing and debugging.
The Growlytics Notifier for ASP.NET WebApi gives you instant notification and session details of exceptions thrown from your ASP.NET WebApi applications. Any uncaught exceptions will trigger a notification to be sent to your Growlytics project.
The Growlytics Notifier for ASP.NET WebApi gives you instant notification and session details of exceptions thrown from your ASP.NET WebApi applications. Any uncaught exceptions will trigger a notification to be sent to your Growlytics project.
A fast and dirty benchmarking utility for dotnet