Top 20 NuGet debugging Packages

A library with some useful classes to assist debugging: - includes getting messages from outputdebugstring [Note: This library is not quite ready for public consumption--I'm in the middle of some code reorganization] .
SourceLink: Source Code On Demand Source Link your Portable PDB files to allow source code to be downloaded on demand
SourceLink: Source Code On Demand Source Link your Portable PDB files to allow source code to be downloaded on demand
A simple .NET remote debugging solution for awkward situations. Server available from project page.
Leverage user-centric API analytics to drive adoption, usage, and retention, including: - Gain visibility into API adoption and usage - Quickly debug functional and performance issues - Monitor for issues impacting customers - Create live dashboards and share with col...
Sets up an ASP.NET Area with a JsTraceController in order to facilitate sending JsTrace messages to the server
This script pack allows the structure of objects to be dumped from within the REPL or scripts. It utilises JSON.Net for serialisation. A number of options are provided: Object References (Include/Exclude) Output Format (PrettyPrint/Compact) Null Values (Include/Exclude)
Microsoft DiaSymReader interop interfaces and utilities.
This is a PCL library that contains helper classes that should make writing demos with and for MonoGame more comfortable. In general it contains tools that are boilerplate code and would rather distract the user from the demo.
Provides types to read Windows executables into C# structures.
⭐ Redirects Console.WriteLine() output to any remote browser ⭐ Allows you to remotely watch what your .NET applications want to print on the Console ⭐ This is the most simple, lazy and opportunistic way to make an application remotely observable 🙂 Steps to get you started: 1. Redirect Console.Out ...
Remotely debug .NET in AWS Lambda (with breakpoints)
A library containing debugging methods.
HTTP(S) Dataverse debugging proxy
JsTrace allows you to heavily instrument your JavaScript code without flooding the console with messages. It has "Trace Levels" (off, error, warn, info, debug, log), which allow you to fine-tune what amount of trace information comes out of each area or module of your code. It additionally supports ...
A JavaScript tool that allows you to debug your JavaScript by giving you a stack trace of function calls leading to an error (or any condition you specify).
This is an example of roslyn analyzer, that can create diagnostics when there are missing some usings, that are required for using debugging data transformation via lambdas and Linqs in Watch or Immediate windows. Because Microsoft still haven't added support for post-loading libraries like System....
A small debugging helper-class for developers that helps tidying your timing-output.