Top 20 NuGet dbcontext Packages

NetStandard2.0 Unit Of Work
Provides implementation for Data Access with EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer. It provides implementation for IRepository<T> and DbContext. It also provides extension methods for IServiceCollection to easily adding types to .NET Core DependencyInjection. Is also supports using multiple DbContexts withi...
The package is a part of Saritasa Tools project. Saritasa.Tools.EfCore3 contains various useful extensions.
Custom Implementation of Microsoft AspNet Core Identity Sql Server Db Context
Custom Implementation of Microsoft AspNet Core Identity Service to use UserManager
Shared base classes and repos designed to help making custom ASP.NET Core components
Manage your DbContexts the right way. The persistence or infrastructure layer uses the DbContext (e.g. from a repository). Controlling its scope and transaction lifetime, however, is ideally the reponsibility of the orchestrating layer (e.g. from an application service). This package adds that abil...
Unit of work framework
Data Dource Control That Uses DbContext as Storage, Overrides LinqDataSource
Entity Framework Repository, Unit of Work Interfaces and Abstract DbContextRepository, DbContextUnitOfWork derived from Interfaces.
The goal of this project is to provide a way to inject a dependency into Entity Framework's DbContext.
The EfNewWebDbConnector is a .NET library used to create and maintain only an unique connection to the database per request in the Asp.Net web applications using EF New DbContext ORM.
DbContextScope is a simple and flexible way to manage your Entity Framework Core relational DbContext instances.
Main DataOnion implementation, including AmbientDbContext, UnitOfWork, Repositories, DataInitialisers etc.
In-memory mock for EntityFramework 6 DbContext
See description at project site or follow the link:
A simple transactional dbcontext implementation.
The package is a part of the Saritasa Tools project. Collection of tools for our company projects for Entity Framework 6.
Generic Repository Entity Framework DbContext implementation.
Create simple pagination handling for items in ASP.NET core for MicrosoftEntityFramework and Simple list of items