Top 20 NuGet dbcontext Packages

DbContextScope for EF Core. Forked from
DbContextScope for EF v2|v3 Core. Forked from
EntityFrameworkCore 的扩展,通过反射注册实体模型。
NetStandard2.0 and NetCoreApp2.2 Utilities for Crud API System - DAL Abstraction: should be referenced by project containing Entrity Framework Core DbContext
Like DbContext from Entity Framework, but with nowhere near the same features, and it's for MongoDB. Provides a context for performing operations on a MongoDB database, enabling transactions without manually passing IClientSessionHandle objects around, and provides access to every collection all in...
This package is designed to help you easily get started developing a new NET 5.0 application. The package includes basic abstractions for implementing EntityFramework in Onion architecture: Entity interfaces group in Core.Domain.Model namespace, two interface groups in Core.Domain.Navigation namespa...
Unit of work framework for EntityFramework
The package is a part of Saritasa Tools project. Saritasa.Tools.EfCore1 contains implementations for unit of work, repository interfaces.
Implementation of Wheel.Data for Sql Server databases. Wheel.Data provides an abstraction layer for access to databases, execution of stored procedures, and configuration of EntityFrameworkCore DbContext classes.
Implementation of Wheel.Data for PostgreSql databases. Wheel.Data provides an abstraction layer for access to databases, execution of stored procedures, and configuration of EntityFrameworkCore DbContext classes.
[Data access for Oracle] Wheel provides a standardized way to use basic infrastructure services (logging, configuration, dependency injection, command system, database access, etc) on .NET console and web applications. This package is the implementation of Wheel.Data for Oracle databases.
An abstraction layer for access to databases, execution of stored procedures, and configuration of EntityFrameworkCore DbContext classes. See Wheel.Data.PostgreSql, Wheel.Data.SqlServer and Wheel.Data.Oracle for implementations on particular database systems.
A .NET Standard compliant abstract repository for use with LunchPail.
Repository over Specification pattern
NetStandard2.0 and NetCoreApp2.2 Utilities for Crud API System - Unit Of Work Interface: should be referenced only by API project for Commit and Rollback actions.
This Package Contain Useful Library And Extension Method For Easy Develop High Tech .Net Core Application With EntityFrameworkCore. ForExample : Implementation Of Custom DbContext, DbContext Extension Method, DbSet Extension Method, ...
EntityHooks provides an extension points for EF Code First DbContext in order to hook database operations.
Generic Repository Entity Framework DbContext implementation.
Entity Framework utilities
FileContext is a data access layer (DAL) Framework for rapid data driven application development (RDDAD) append to EntityFramework.