Top 20 NuGet dapper Packages

CRUD extension methods for Dapper
A utility library for Dapper.
Plato.Redis deployment package
Trivial micro-orm implemented on Dapper, provides with CRUD helpers specialize to handle MySql.
FluentSql library makes writing Sql statements easy. It can be used for simple CRUD to multiple join queries. Using a fluent api, one can write in C# or VB sql like statements that translate into a lean Sql statement that a DBMS can process. FluentSql uses Dapper to execute its statements.
Extension for EntityFramework Library brings together the best of the EntityFramework with Dapper. Basic CRUD operations (Query, Insert, Update, Delete) for your POCOs.
NOT USE PLEASE USE Dapper.Repository
Basic usage of Dapper with Dapper.SimpleCrud
An extension to the Popsql library that integrates it seamlessly with the Dapper micro-ORM.
CRUD Extensions for Dapper.Net
Dapper操作MSSQL或MySQL常用方法封装, 支持异步、事务及批量导入, 具体使用方法请参阅README.md说明或者联系作者
InterSproc is a C# class library used to provide simple and clean access to an SQL Server database's stored procedure layer.
Dapper extension to use user defined parameter (Table Valued Parameter) in Dapper.
Dapper dot net lambda extension for CRUD
Conjunto de classes e metodos para facilitar a vida dos desenvolvedores.
Conector multi datos con funcionales sencillas y útiles
Vulcan 基于Dapper.NET的数据库链接托管类库,支持数据库链接管理透明化,支持事务包装,内置支持Mysql和MSSQL数据库,可扩展支持其他数据库,只要Dapper支持即可
Library with common extensions and helpers for use Dapper in code
Based Upon DapperExtensions this Orm Package is fully refactoerd for performance and with added features like projection and In Predicate