Top 20 NuGet di Packages

Component Glue is a dependency injection / IoC container. Component Glue has a fluent syntax and aims to be simple to use.
Ninject dependency resolver for SignalR
A simple library allowing you to add generic IoC support to your library or app.
Simple and fast dependency injection container.
Dependency become easy. It supports Mvc3.
Dependency become easy. It supports Mvc4.
Dependency injection / service composition for Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) using Managed Extensibility Framework (MEF). Supports .NET Framework 4.0 and 4.5.
Whatever the framework, component composition works the same way: you have interfaces and concrete implementations and you need to map one against the other. The Endjin Composition Framework helps you work smarter, not harder by making component composition simple. This framework supports .NET 4.0, ...
The Execution Context Scoping package adds the 'Execution Context Scope' lifestyle, which allows instances to live within an explicitly defined execution context scope (or logical call context) and get disposed when this scope ends. This scope allows flowing through asynchronous method calls.
The di4js module is dependency injection implementation in JavaScript. Dependency injection is a software design pattern that allows the removal of hard-coded dependencies and makes it possible to change them. di4js is free software distributed under the terms of MIT License (MIT) and can be used wi...
XML-configurable inversion of control contrainer
This package will add the reference to MEF with the Copy Local flag set to false.
This package is Portable Library Project (Windows phone 8.1, Windows 8.1, Universal App, .NET Framework 4.5.1). It contains ObservableCommon class for NotifyPropertyChanged and other helper class
Facilitatates DI, IoC, Event Aggregation, and provides tools for Meta Developers, such as Reflection Extension Methods and Attribute Interpretation Services.
This handy extension allows you to define code regardless of the final IoC container, simply add the packages for the containers you wish to support.
InjectionMap.Configuration is a small extension to InjectionMap for defining mappings in the application configuration file.
Repository Service EF6 with UnitOfWork now with IQueryable and List features
Adds support for dependency injection to AsyncInit. Supported Platforms: * .NET Framework 4 * Silverlight 4 * Windows 8 * Windows Phone Silverlight 7.1 * Windows Phone 8.1 * Xamarin.Android * Xamarin.iOS * Portable Class Libraries