Top 20 NuGet di Packages

Simple .net dependency injection
Default implementation of dependency injection for Ms.Extensions.DependencyInjection.
Enables support for DI/IOC in startup.
Infrastructure for an IoC container adapter into OWIN pipeline
Autofac integration for the Obvs.MessageDispatcher Framework.
A better and more natural way of defining dependencies in .Net, LINDI is a language extension that takes advantage of LINQ to specify Dependency Resolution.
ASP.NET Web API adapter for OWIN IoC container adapter
Infrastructure for an IoC container adapter into OWIN pipeline
A super simple, easy to use, portable, decent-performing IoC container.
Enables custom di containers and step argument injection in SpecFlow
.NET specific classes for the PantherDI Dependency Injection Framework
A Dependency Injection Framework
Aliyun MNS SDK Integrate With the DependencyInjection of the MiscroSoft
WCF integration for DryIoc based on Simple Injector WCF integration
Simple way to auto-register interfaces to their implementations with core default dependency injection.