Top 20 NuGet debug Packages

MaulingMonKey's debug callstack collection API.
Xamarin.iOS Binding for Apple's internal UIDebuggingInformationOverlay API. It shows a floating UIWindow that lets you inspect your view hierarchy and lots more!
Pretty printer for .NET highly inspired by Ruby's awesome_print gem
Tweaks for ASP.NET MVC bundling to aid developers
.NET Standard extensions to make some debugging / benchmarking work easier.
Add Xamarin.Form Debug for using in test project
Tvision2 Debug Utilities
RenderDoc integration for Veldrid. Provides access to RenderDoc's in-application API. Can be used to configure, collect, and save RenderDoc capture files, and to launch and manage the RenderDoc replay UI application.
Supports Error, Info and Debug Logging ops into files.
Will help make your code environmentally friendly for testing/quirks (wraps System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager) in a straight forward way.
A fast and dirty benchmarking utility for dotnet