Top 20 NuGet debug Packages
The JavaScript Debug Symbols for WinRT adds a property to the Debug global object that you can query to detect if the application is running with the Debug build configuration selected, allowing conditional execution of JavaScript code in a Windows Store app.
* The dump output is separated from the targeted dump media by the familiar TextWriter interface
* The programmer can dump the value of any type of object: primitive and enum types (including those marked with FlagsAttribute), custom classes, struct-s, collections, ...
A Lua implementation for the Dynamic Language Runtime (DLR). Debug-Extension.
Integration with Glimpse that provides debug information from Kentico.
Backtrace's integration with C# applications allows customers to capture and report handled and unhandled C# exceptions to their Backtrace instance, instantly offering the ability to prioritize and debug software errors.
Dump out all your .Net Core and ASP.Net Core config on startup, together with the configuration provider source that value came from. Ideal for troubleshooting when overriding values via environment variables in containerized environments such as Azure, Amazon AWS and Rancher. Enabled with simple se...
A set of helper and extension methods to improve the developer's speed in coding.
A stopwatch class designed towards measuring how much time a process or section of code uses. Great for measuring code efficiency and performance.
Helps Windows Service debugging by creating a Play/Stop/Pause UI when running with a debugger attached, but also allows the service to be installed and run by the Windows Services environment as well. All this with one line of code!
A set of debugging controls and helpers for Windows Runtime XAML applications.
Provides an object renderer to integrate with log4net to dump exceptions (or any/all object types) using the ObjectPrinter.
Also provides a log4net type inspector to prevent prevent dumping log4net objects that should be converted to strings.
Fody add-in that helps tracking down undisposed objects
A set of debugging controls and helpers for Windows Runtime XAML applications.
This package contains a SpatialTrace that enables geometry tracing within the code, and a visualizer to review traces, and debugger visualizers for SqlGeometry and SqlGeography types.
Utility methods to easily dump object contents to a file/stream, for debug purposes.
MVC.ApiExplorer is a portable, independent component designed to help you explore all actions of controller in an ASP.NET MVC project.
RabbitMQ appender for log4net
We've added support for the Enterprise Library Logging adapter. This allows you to leverage your current investment in EntLib, but leverage the power and flexibility of the ReflectInsight Viewer. A special benefit in this extension as it will parse and display XML message in proper syntax.
In order...
Dumps an object to a string or a text writer. Great for debugging. Awesome for capturing context in production exception dumps.
Use ObjectPrinter.Log4Net for a renderer to automatically dump all logged exceptions using log4net.