Top 20 NuGet ddd Packages

Mendham library used for tracking working with domain and concurrent objects
.NET Application Framework
Unity integration for AppFunc
StructureMap integration for AppFunc
SimpleInjector integration for AppFunc
Autofac integration for AppFunc
Library for simple event sourcing
Simple Event Sourcing
Library for simple event sourcing
Library for simple event sourcing
Library for simple event sourcing
Library for simple event sourcing
Biblioteca com tipos base para utilização de serviços webapi com core
Domain driven design components and marker interfaces.
This (opiniated) domain driven design / microservices focussed command library makes it easy to match commands with one or more services. You can route all commands for a specific root to one or more processors, and add specific configurations for specific commands. Includes deseralization into comm...
This (opiniated) domain driven design / microservices focussed command library makes it easy to match commands with one or more services. You can route all commands for a specific root to one or more processors, and add specific configurations for specific commands. Includes deseralization into comm...
This (opiniated) domain driven design / microservices focussed command library makes it easy to match commands with one or more services. You can route all commands for a specific root to one or more processors, and add specific configurations for specific commands. Includes deseralization into comm...
Strongly typed publish/subscribe utility levaraging .NET Core's DI framework for subscribe/unsubscribe.
Useful Classes yo use everywhere