Top 20 NuGet ddd Packages

NLite Domain Framework 简称NDF, 是一个轻量级的服务分发器框架,该框架以业务逻辑的高内聚,高复用性,高松耦合和便捷的可测试性为宗旨,支持嵌入式和分布式部署, 支持 Mvc,WebForm, Winform等,以NLite组件为基础, 支持服务别名,方法别名,方法重载,方法参数的自动绑定,校验功能和Filter等扩展功能。 NDF和 MVC
DomainEvents.StructureMap adds a dispatcher based off of StructureMap registrations.
BlingBag is a library that helps implement domain events in a behavior-rich domain model.
BlingBag is a library that helps implement domain events in a behavior-rich domain model.
Base classes to implement a Domain Model also using DDD (Domain Driven Development) and to abstract the ORM or the storage and change it simply.
Event store implementation using RavenDB for TJ.CQRS
BlingBag is a library that helps implement domain events in a behavior-rich domain model.
BlingBag is a library that helps implement domain events in a behavior-rich domain model.
The repository implementation for Microsoft Entity Framework Core.
Diesel is a DSL toolkit for .NET code generation for DDD
The repository implementation for MongoDB.
Skahal's infrastructure framework used in games (destop, web, iOS and Android) and apps (OSX, Win and iOS).
An extension of the NCommon container adapter for Unity
An updated version of the NCommon extensions for ASP.Net MVC
A extension of the NCommon container adapter for Ninject
An extension of the NCommon container adapter for StructureMap
An extension of the NCommon container adapter for Castle Windsor