Top 20 NuGet data Packages
.Net Core MySql
Data of all chemical elements in the periodic table.
If you feel that the IDataReader interface could use some work, here is your change. DataReaderExtensions focuses on empowering the IDataReader interface through new method extensions that will make your code a lot cleaner.
Kraken library for data access.
The TeeChart Charting components for Xamarin.iOS offer a wide range of common and specialized chart types, gauges and maps with customizable tools for data visualization in the mobile applications.
A .NET port of the Ruby faker gem.
The TeeChart for Xamarin.Android Charting components offer the most common chart types, gauges and maps with customizable tools for data visualisation in mobile applications.
A tool simular to or to analyse a git repo and render a team dashboard. The dashboard can then be used to make data drive decisions about the team.
Contains shared dll's and managers for comman .net programming and data operations.
An umbraco property editor for Font Awsome Icons which is User Upgradable to keep up todate with the latest Font Awesome Icons.
Contains shared dll's and extinsions for comman Asp.Net Core programming and data operations.
A set of components to accelerate the implementation of Azure based projects that make following SOLID principles easier and more natural.
This packages allows to easy build a connector for the qlik connector api