Top 20 NuGet data Packages

Nequeo data MongoDb provider component
Nequeo data MySql provider component
Nequeo data Odbc provider component
Nequeo data OleDb provider component
Nequeo data PostgreSql provider component
Nequeo data Sqlite provider component
Nequeo data SqlServer provider component
An easy-to-use timeseries database client that allows storing of masses of simple of data structures identified by a string id and a timestamp.
Use GrabzIt.Scraper to integrate web scraping into your application. This package enables your application to control GrabzIt scrapes, deciding when to stop or start them and then callback functionality makes it easy to integrate the scraped data back into your app.
BetterSession provides extension methods for working with mvc core Session and TempData
Helper library for writing Data Localization Queries for Linq based data access technologies
structuredData.Transform implementation for json using JsonPatch
structuredData.Transform implementation for json using JsonT
This Package includes the MagnaDB Framework Library which consists of Object-Oriented Data Manipulation Tools in .NET Framework
Provides execution plan testing for Sqlite. This allows you to unit test the `CommandBuilder.CommandText` property by actually sending it to the database and running an explain plan.
A .NET library for consuming the Dutch post code database. More information can be found on Access tokens can also be requested here. To contribute to the specification of this API, join the guys over at their repo:
A data query/GraphQL library for .NET Core. Execute with EntityFramework (or other ORMs) or in memory
Link It is an object-oriented data integration library that make it easy to load different kinds of objects and link them together. LinkIt is not an object-relational mapping framework. It can be used for orchestrating the loading of objects and for linking the loaded objects togheter, not for defi...
This will help to perform db operations on couchbase