Top 20 NuGet data Packages

Download realtime and historical end of day stock data and historical dividend data and real time data via the Yahoo Finance API
An extension method with which the properties and fields of a collection of class instance items is output to Excel using the NetOffice libraries.
Data Synchronization Core
POCO, list, dictionary, set and container which can track changes. These changes can be saved or rollbacked or replayed to another object.
Stream your data from any source. Build projections and aggregations. Parallelize. Distribute. Replay.
A portable library for the DataAnnotations namespace. Reduced surface area matches the Silverlight SDK version of DataAnnotations, with additions of some classes. With .NET 4.6
Source code can be download from Code style guideline for VisualBasic of this runtime library at codeproject article: Article about manipula...
This package provides a way to implement Unit Of Work and Repository patterns with Entity Framework Core and DbContextScope.
Provides classes that use the Moq mocking framework. This provides easy mock setup, tracking of command executions, including parameter values.
Provides execution plan testing for SqlServer. This allows you to unit test the `CommandBuilder.CommandText` property by actually sending it to the database and running an explain plan.
This .NET package is designed to provide businesses with a central, flexible storage solution for their data. DasData makes it easy to input data from sensors and other devices into a central repository, making it ideal for IoT and data science applications.
Build projections and deliver scheduled commands for Its.Domain using SQL and Alluvial.
Shared design-time test suite for Entity Framework Core relational database providers.
This component provides attribute-based server-side data validation function on DTO object. The unique feature of this component is it allow data validation per operation. i.e., Add/Update. When we are using common data entity for multiple operations, like add, update or delete then one specific fi...
A simple data access layer built using Dapper for the .NET Standard Library.
Nequeo data linq to SqlServer component