Top 20 NuGet data Packages
Simplify C# extensions for ARMA
Contain classes that generate random data/value using a cryptographic random number generator.
Postgre provider for Light.Data
Mysql provider for Light.Data
Parameter guard extensions for .NET that checks that a parameter meets the requirements and throws an ArgumentException if it doesn't.
Range<T> implementation with useful extensions. Useful for ranged value data-sets.
Part of the "Open" set of libraries.
Provides a generic Mendz.Data-aware context for ADO.Net-compatible access to SQL Server databases.
Provides a generic Mendz.Data-aware context for MongoDB.
A small library that complements Dapper by adding basic CRUD operations (Get, Insert, Update, Delete) for your POCOs. For more advanced querying scenarios, Dapper Extensions provides a predicate system.
Mssql provider for Light.Data
ADO.NET Data Access Layer Object Mapper for the .NET Framework, supports (.NET Core 2.0, .NET Standard 2.0 [PCL], .NET Framework 4.6)
ORM Mock data generator and in-memory database.
Data Layer Abstractions
Provides change notifications (INotifyPropertyChanged) for nested data structures (e.g. INotifyCollectionChanged<INotifyPropertyChanged>)
Package Description
Data Access Layer for SQL Server over EntityFrameworkCore for MicroNetCore.
Data Access Layer abstractions for MicroNetCore.
Provides powerful data access components to WebAPI server featuring OData 4 extended implementation, view projection technology, two-way data synchronization and seamless integration with Entity Framework. For the client counterpart, please install Intersoft.AppFramework package.